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Caramel Slice

Caramel Slice

I love caramel slice! I love how the delicious crunchy base, the chewy caramel centre and the creamy chocolate on top all come together to make one amazing mouthful. Caramel slice has been a favourite of mine for as long as I can remember so can you believe that this is the first caramel slice I have ever made?

I don’t know why I haven’t made it before, it’s not like it’s always readily available. I don’t buy it at the shop either. In fact, the last time I think I had some was over 4 years ago when I bought some from a friends fundraiser. 4 years between bites is too long so I bit the bullet and made my own. It’s actually pretty easy too.  Even easier when using my home made condensed milk and not having to go shopping especially to buy it! The recipe I used said to use 395 g of condensed milk because that’s what size the tins comes in, but, I increased it to use my entire batch of home made condensed milk to get more caramel in the centre.

If you love caramel slice, you should definitely give this Mars Bar Slice recipe a try too. Or, if you’d like to feel a bit healthier, you could always try a Weet-Bix Slice.