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Cheesy Baked Eggs on Toast
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Are you looking for a new and interesting way to eat eggs? Eggs can often be overlooked because they are “boring” or “bland” well if that’s what you think then you need some new ideas on how to cook them! Ooozy eggs and cheese on toast is sure to be a winner with everyone, and the kids will love dipping their cheesy toast into the runny egg yolk.
Eggs are such a fantastic food, they are full of good stuff to keep you healthy, they are full of protein and Dr’s are now promoting that it is ok to eat eggs every day. When you visit your supermarket, compare the cost of other proteins against eggs and you will that eggs are such an affordable alternative.
Other delicious ways with eggs is to cook them into a bacon and egg stuffed mushroom, impossible pie, quiche or bacon and zucchini slice.
Prep: 10 minutes
Cook: 10 minutes
Serves: 4